Thursday, March 12, 2015

Eulogy for a Mentor-Friend

My friend, that I wrote about in my February 24, 2014 post, passed away this week.  Her fight to survive, live her faith and witness is over.  She was released from this disease that ravaged her body and delivered to Heaven.

Carol was a wonderful person and a beautiful addition to my life.  I am deeply grateful.

These are some of the things I learned from Carol:

Hang the laundry out to dry before going horseback riding, but definitely go horseback riding without guilt!

Encourage others pursue their dreams.

Give generously of your time, talents and energy.

Raise strong kids through tough love, genuine love and true love.

Love your husband unconditionally.

Go to church; every Sunday because worshipping and fellowshipping is important.

Go to bible study (a cute bible is not necessary but a good study bible will pay you back 10 times).

Make chocolate chip cookies often.

Hold your best recipes in secret; make them beg and drool.  You can always promise to pass them on after you die. (Psst! we are all waiting for the cheesecake and slushy recipes!)

Live life and don't be paralyzed by fear.  This means cantering in the woods, talking to everyone, traveling, and learning new things.

Really listen to your children but set boundaries of acceptable behavior.

Celebrate your children and help them know their strengths and weaknesses.

Your Mother is your best friend; treat her well.

Sisters are not limited to blood relatives.  Be a sister to a sister.

Don't gossip.

Be Positive because negativity is a waste of a good life.

Get an education and use it for the glory of God.

Be pragmatic, practical, in all things.

Say your peace; be honest.

Laugh loudly, have fun and joke.  The meek will inherit the earth but they will need to be entertained so go ahead and laugh.

Be a wise steward of your money so that you can give freely and splurge once in a while.

Sunday's are a day of rest and therefore, perfect for horseback riding!

Fight until God gives you permission to give up.  His timing is always perfect.  Healing can take place in Heaven.