Personal: I am a 40-something wife, mother and special education teacher. I live in a Mid-western rural area. I am fond of saying I live “in the fishbowl” because I live, teach and attend church all in the same small community. My life is often on display.
As a wife, I am seasoned with 16 years experience. I met my husband on a blind date and married him a little over a year later. I am a mother of two boys. God knew exactly what he was doing keeping me out of the realm of pink and frills. I love pink and frills but find myself in the land of dirt, fishing, hunting and such. I love a happy, dirty little boy that has explored and found.
On our farm, Bluebird Meadows, we have fresh eggs, 4H projects and produce (gardens) and of course, bluebirds. I love to grow, control; I mean cultivate, things. My garden is not perfect. It is a metaphor for my life. That patch of dirt starts out ready for the sun and seeds but ends up filled with orchard grass and weeds.
Although, I lost my two trusty steeds to old age in the last year and a half I am an avid horsewoman. I hope to regain my horse ownership status someday. I read as much as my children will let me. I keep thinking it will be a great example in behavior to read in front of them. They are not taking the quiet leadership like I imagined.
Professional: Special education is a job for those that can see the hope in the unseen. I still see the possibilities and potential in my students. I spent my first 13 years in the local elementary school with short stints to the middle school arena part time. Now I play in the big leagues…high school. The game is the same but the rules have changed.
Hobbies: Really?! Does a working mom really have hobbies? Why yes, they just look like work to everyone else. I have to admit I have stacks of scrapbooking materials and loads of unorganized photos saved on a plethora of different devices. Even Apple’s iCloud can’t help me! I try to fit in a good bible study once a year. Does any of that count as a hobby? Then there is the housework, maintenance on the farm and animals to feed.
Maybe gardening is my hobby but frankly parenting is the only thing I can stick with. Oh, but I forgot bathing piggies for Fair! That's hobby for sure!